Why Participate?
Why Participate?

Every 3 minutes someone
in the US is diagnosed with
a blood cancer

Despite progress, more than a third of blood cancer patients still do not survive five years after their diagnosis.

Every 9 minutes
someone in the US dies
of a blood cancer
Our commitment to curing cancer.
Through programs like Visionaries of the Year, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has invested more than $1.6 billion since its inception in research to advance breakthrough therapies. In fact, nearly 40% of new cancer therapies approved by the FDA since 2000 were first approved for a blood cancer, and LLS helped advance most of them.
Learn about Dare to Dream, a global effort to raise $100 million over the next five years to advance collaborative research, treatments, and support for children's blood cancers.
The funds raised through LLS's Visionaries of the Year are used:
- For continuing research of lifesaving therapies like targeted therapies and immunotherapies that are saving thousands of lives.
- For blood cancer information, education and support.
- To support patients in their communities through LLS chapters.
- To drive policies that increase the development of and access to new treatments.
Our Honored Heroes
Honored Heroes are local blood cancer survivors who provide inspiration and motivation to candidates during their campaign, as well as support for their appeals. The candidates compete in honor of them.